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Arizona State University expert directory
Jnaneshwar Das
Jnaneshwar Das explores environmental robotics solutions for data collection at agricultural farms, forests, and coral reefs. Das’ lab has advanced new methodologies for sampling, modeling, and prediction for in-situ and ex-situ labeling of samples. The lab also incorporates remotely sensed data that guides the collection of samples for analysis. He is working on various federally-funded projects including: mapping planetary-scale features such as craters and trees, conducting a geomorphological analysis of tectonic fault scarps, and developing OpenUAV (unpiloted aerial vehicles), a testbed for UAV education, research, and data analysis.
Das holds the Alberto Enrique Behar Research Professorship at the School of Earth and Space Exploration and is a core faculty member at the Center for Global Discovery and Conservation Science. He is a co-organizer of the National Science Foundation’s Student Cyber-Physical Systems Challenge and the founder of the OpenUAV and DeepGIS projects.