ASU Police Awarded $70,812 from Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety

The Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety has awarded the Arizona State University Police Department $70,812 in grant money to help reduce traffic-related issues in and around ASU’s four university campuses.
The $70,812 total will be distributed to the ASU Police Department through three separate grants, each targeting a different department need:
- A $25,000 DUI enforcement grant for costs associated with DUI enforcement throughout the year.
- A $27,195 speed enforcement grant will be applied to speed enforcement and the purchase of a LIDAR (Light Detecting and Ranging) speed measurement device.
- An $18,617 grant for pedestrian and bicycle enforcement will help decrease pedestrian-related incidents caused by pedestrian and bicycle-related offenses.
These GOHS grants allow the ASU Police Department to create a safer environment across all four campuses, assisting in the Department’s DUI prevention efforts and stance against underage alcohol consumption. Crimes which too often result in the tragic loss of life, and carry additional financial and criminal consequences.