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Arizona State University expert directory
Nancy Grimm
Nancy Grimm studies the interaction of climate variation and change, human activities, and ecosystems.
Grimm’s lab studies how disturbances, such as flooding or drying, affect desert streams; how chemicals move through and cycle within both desert streams and cities; the effects of storm water infrastructure on water and material movement across an urban landscape; and the effect of extreme events on urban areas and their infrastructure.
Grimm has had an international impact in the environmental sciences and is a pioneer in desert stream ecosystems. Her collaborations across the disciplines of earth, life and social sciences, as well as engineering, helped create the subdiscipline of urban ecology. She currently co-directs a Sustainability Research Network focused on urban resilience to weather-related extreme events.
We need to bring together the domains of social, ecological and technological expertise that don’t often talk to each other because the challenge of preparing for the impacts of extreme events is one that requires input from all of these perspectives.
Nancy Grimm ASU News