Arizona State University expert directory

Ed Finn is a science fiction expert whose research explores digital narratives, creative collaboration, and the intersection of the humanities, arts and sciences.

Finn directs the Center for Science and the Imagination where he also holds a joint appointment as an associate professor in the School of Arts, Media and Engineering and the Department of English.

He is the author of "What Algorithms Want: Imagination in the Age of Computing" and co-editor of "Frankenstein: Annotated for Scientists, Engineers and Creators of All Kinds" and "Hieroglyph: Stories and Visions for a Better Future." Prior to joining academia, Finn worked as a journalist at Time, Slate, and Popular Science.

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Frankenstein hit Western culture a little like the news of a new scientific discovery: disbelief, followed by efforts at duplication. In a few short years the book had been adapted for the stage and translated into French, and begun its alchemical transformation from imaginative fiction to modern myth.

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