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Mark Lussier specializes in European Romantic literature, especially that of William Blake.

As a professor emeritus of English at Arizona State University, his research has explored the relation of literature and art with religion and science. Lussier is currently dean of the Emeritus College at ASU and his recent work focuses on medical humanities.

Lussier’s recent work focuses on medical humanities. His books include "Perspective as a Problem in the Art, History and Literature of Early Modern England" (1994), "Romantic Dynamics: The Poetics of Physicality" (1999), "Romanticism and Buddhism" (2006), "Engaged Romanticism: Romanticism as Praxis" (2008) (with Bruce Matsunaga), and "Romantic Dharma: The Emergence of Buddhism into Nineteenth-Century Europe" (2011).

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Romantic poetry is just mere words if we allow it to sit on the page and do nothing. However, when we read it, examine it and let it soak in, it begins to unfold in our brain and can align the vibrations in our body with its insistent rhythms. A whole communication circuit is capable of transferring textual effect into receptive affect, and a rhythmic coincidence of mind, matter and meter takes place.

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