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Sally Ball
Sally Ball is a poet and editor who specializes in contemporary and modern American poetry, creative writing, and literary editing and publishing.
She is the author of "Hold Sway" (2019), "Wreck Me" (2013) and "Annus Mirabilis," which was selected by Ellen Bryant Voigt for the Barrow Street Press Poetry Prize (2005). Her poems have appeared in The American Poetry Review, Bennington Review, Boston Review Forum 3, Harvard Review, Ploughshares, Slate, Threepenny Review, Tin House, Yale Review, and other journals, as well as in the Best American Poetry anthology. Ball is also associate director of Four Way Books, an independent press based in New York City.
A recipient of fellowships from the Arizona Commission on the Arts, the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, the Camac Centre d'Art, the James Merrill House, and the Ucross Foundation, she also teaches in the MFA Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College. She is an affiliate faculty member of ASU’s Environmental Humanities Initiative.
Fundamentally, the choice to make a work of art is a choice to connect and communicate.
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