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3D printing

Scroll through our list of 3D printing experts at Arizona State University. Click on the experts' names to learn more about their background, recent media articles and how to get in contact with them.

Timothy Long

School of Molecular Sciences
Expert in: Chemistry, Engineering, 3D printing, Molecular science, Sustainability, Plastics
Media Relations Officer
Joseph Caspermeyer / joseph.caspermeyer@asu.edu

Paola Sanguinetti

The Design School, Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Expert in: Architecture, Design, 3D printing, Sustainability
Media Relations Officer
Nikai Salcido / nikai.salcido@asu.edu

Dhruv Bhate

Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, Polytechnic School
Expert in: Mechanical engineering, 3D printing, Engineering
Phone: (480) 727-1332
Media Relations Officer
Theresa Grant / theresa.grant@asu.edu