Scroll through our list of media-ready experts based out of or affiliated with the School of Molecular Sciences. Click on their name to learn more about their unique expertise, recent media coverage and how to connect with them.

Timothy Long
Expert in: Chemistry, Engineering, 3D printing, Molecular science, Sustainability, Plastics

Hilairy Hartnett
School of Earth and Space Exploration, School of Molecular Sciences, School for the Future of Innovation in Society
Expert in: Biochemistry, Environmental geochemistry, Oceanography, Transdisciplinary, Water, Biogeochemistry

Everett Shock
Biodesign Institute, School of Earth and Space Exploration, Biodesign Center for Fundamental & Applied Microbiomics, School of Molecular Sciences, School of Life Sciences
Expert in: Biogeochemistry, Geology, Environmental geochemistry

Neal Woodbury
Biodesign Institute, School of Molecular Sciences, Knowledge Enterprise, School of Life Sciences, Lincoln Center for Applied Ethics
Expert in: Biochemistry, Chemistry, Biophysics

Ariel Anbar
School of Earth and Space Exploration, School of Molecular Sciences, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Expert in: Chemistry, Educational technology, Educational leadership, Environmental geochemistry, Biogeochemistry