Standing up to Antisemitism

On October 7th, we were all horrified and sickened upon learning of the terrorism and brutality of Hamas. In the days since, the massacre in Israel placed a national spotlight on the reactions of college presidents and their campuses. 
A coalition of institutions of higher education, including public and private schools, faith-based and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU’s) have come together to articulate a statement with moral clarity. The statement is based on two unifying principles – Hamas is a terrorist organization and the Palestinian people are not represented by Hamas. 
Our collective efforts have caused many to take notice across academia, the business world and influential journalists (representative links are below).
While some presidents have already issued a statement to their campuses and other presidents prefer not to make statements at all, there is unparalleled strength in our institutions of higher education supporting each other and rallying together to lay the moral groundwork on which all civil dialogue is naturally based. As we can sadly anticipate, this is a crisis which will intensify in the weeks and months ahead, and university presidents from around the country are signing up to have this as part of their toolbox to help support all of the students on their campus.
We look forward to acknowledging the leadership of all who participated by publishing a full list of supporters on Wednesday morning, October 25th – coupled with a broad and sustained communications plan across all channels, including full page ads in the national newspapers this weekend.
We invite all presidents and chancellors of U.S. and global colleges and universities, to be a partner in this historic moment for higher education – by sending an e-mail directly to
Thank you in advance for your consideration.
Ari Berman
President, Yeshiva University
Michael M. Crow
President, Arizona State University 


We stand together


September 4, 2020

Arizona State University has a long history of opposing Antisemitic rhetoric and acts of intimidation whether they occur on our campuses, or in the community. The university has been very clear about this position, as President Michael Crow has shared repeatedly. In just the past year, the university and President Crow have shared the following communications on this subject.  ASU staff, including the campus police, is here to support students and promote a safe environment where diversity is embraced and the free exchange of ideas is nurtured and encouraged. Read more: 


University statement, August 2020: 

"This was brought to the university’s attention Sunday morning. The flyers were removed immediately after the university was notified. ASU Police was made aware of it, and they helped remove them. Ensuring the safety and security of our students is a top priority, and the university undertakes extensive efforts to ensure student safety is not compromised.  ASU is a community that values diversity, tolerance, respect and inclusion. We support open debate and honest disagreements and we reject and will not accept Antisemitism or hateful rhetoric of any kind,  ASU is investigating this incident." 

ASU President Michael Crow, November 2019:

Read full statement:

 ASU President Michael Crow, September 2019:

"Sometimes ASU, like other universities, has experienced strange notes from strange people who are not a part of the ASU community being posted around campus. At ASU, we see them for what they are: The rantings of unhinged hate-mongers bent on disrupting the lives of people who are moving forward into a future that these Cro-Magnons fear."