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Home / Melita Belgrave

Melita Belgrave

Melita Belgrave is an expert in music therapy with older adults and intergenerational programming.

Belgrave has worked as a music therapist in special education, mental health, rehabilitation, hospice, geriatric, and intergenerational settings throughout Texas, Florida, Kansas, and Missouri.

Belgrave is the associate dean for Culture and Access in the Herberger Institute, and an associate professor in the School of Music, Dance and Theatre. Belgrave has also been appointed as a research affiliate at The Mayo Clinic in Arizona and conducts creative aging music groups in the community.

Her research has been published in national and international journals including the Journal of Music Therapy, Music Therapy Perspectives and Frontiers Medicine.

In 2018, Belgrave was recognized by the Black Music Therapy Network, Inc. with the annual service award in recognition for her exemplary commitment to advanced knowledge and practice in the field of music therapy.

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