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Home / Garth Paine

Garth Paine is an expert in music composition, acoustic ecology, digital media and interactive sound.

He is an acoustic ecologist, composer and associate professor at the Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts.

Professor Paine directs the Acoustic Ecology Research Lab at ASU while researching new approaches to acoustic ecology and the exploration of sound.

Additionally, he is internationally recognized as an innovator in experimental music and media arts, an active contributor to the International NIME conference, and contributes to the editorial board of Organized Sound Journal.

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In the news

As somebody who goes out and listens to the environment on a very regular basis, I’ve heard changes in the environment and I’ve felt the changes in the sound quality because you literally feel them with the body, and I’ve been conscious that the acoustic ecology is changing.

— Garth Paine, Cronkite News