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Home / Christine Whitney Sanchez

Christine Whitney Sanchez

Christine Whitney Sanchez has worked across five continents to build and scale organizational capacity for mindful leadership, strategic collaboration and thriving culture. Integrating her experience as a psychotherapist, Christine collaboratively designs and advances an integrated approach to the development of the University Technology Office’s values-led organizational culture.

Beyond her work in the UTO, Christine has guided tens of thousands of stakeholders to resolve thorny issues and generate new opportunities. She has trained thousands of change leaders around the globe in strength-based approaches to leadership and organization development, and has facilitated some of the largest intergenerational conversations in the world.

Christine serves as the Chief Culture Officer within the Office of the CIO.

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With months of physical distancing ahead of us and no way to see into the future, we have the opportunity to suspend our judgments, our predictions, our certainty about what we think we know and turn to each other, to the collective wisdom and to the larger field of intelligence. We are being invited to enter a state of deep inquiry.

— Christine Sanchez, ASU Leadership Portal


Enterprise Technology