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Health and risk perception

Scroll through our list of health and risk perception experts at Arizona State University. Click on the experts' names to learn more about their background, recent media articles and how to get in contact with them.

Pope Moseley

College of Health Solutions
Expert in: Heat, Public health, Emergency medical response, Health and risk perception
Media Relations Officer

Robert Cook-Deegan

School for the Future of Innovation in Society
Expert in: Science policy, Biomedicine, Health and risk perception, Health care policy, Health law
Phone: (202) 446-0395
Media Relations Officer
Media Relations / mediarelations@asu.edu

CR Macchi

College of Health Solutions
Expert in: Marriage therapy, Family therapy, Mental health, Health and risk perception, Family development
Phone: (602) 496-1355
Media Relations Officer

Alexandra Bhatti

College of Health Solutions
Expert in: Health and risk perception, Health care policy, Public health, Public and community health, Biology, Bioethics, Health law, Health information technology, Biotechnology
Media Relations Officer

Marc Adams

College of Health Solutions, Institute for Social Science Research
Expert in: Health and risk perception, Public and community health, Prevention and intervention science, Physical activity
Phone: (602) 827-2470
Media Relations Officer

Adriana Samper

W. P. Carey School of Business, Department of Marketing
Expert in: Management, Consumer behavior, Decision-making, Health and risk perception, Psychology
Phone: (480) 965-2939
Media Relations Officer
Elena Bras / ebras1@asu.edu