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Family development

Scroll through our list of family development experts at Arizona State University. Click on the experts' names to learn more about their background, recent media articles and how to get in contact with them.

Vincent Waldron

School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Expert in: Family development, Communication, Community development, Speech, Family therapy, Human resources, Work relationships, Workforce development
Phone: (602) 543-6634
Media Relations Officer
Media Relations / mediarelations@asu.edu

Natasha Mendoza

Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions, School of Social Work
Expert in: Social work, Family development, Human development, Mental health, Substance abuse
Phone: (614) 203-8837
Media Relations Officer
Mark Scarp / Mark.Scarp@asu.edu

CR Macchi

College of Health Solutions
Expert in: Marriage therapy, Family therapy, Mental health, Health and risk perception, Family development
Phone: (602) 496-1355
Media Relations Officer

Judy Krysik

School of Social Work, Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions, Center for Child Well-Being
Expert in: Child development, Family development, Child abuse, Incarceration, Social work
Phone: (602) 496-0086
Media Relations Officer
Mark Scarp / Mark.Scarp@asu.edu
Media Relations Officer
Steve Filmer / Stephen.Filmer@asu.edu