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Scroll through our list of economics experts at Arizona State University. Click on the experts' names to learn more about their background, recent media articles and how to get in contact with them.

Kathryn Sorensen

Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions, Kyl Center for Water Policy, Global Futures Laboratory
Expert in: Water, Water rights, Water resource management, Water law, Freshwater conservation, Economics
Phone: (480) 392-8923
Media Relations Officer
Skip Derra / skip.derra@asu.edu
Phone: (480) 965-2723
Media Relations Officer
Elena Bras / ebras1@asu.edu
Phone: (480) 965-8623
Media Relations Officer
Elena Bras / ebras1@asu.edu

Allen Morrison

Thunderbird School of Global Management
Expert in: Business leadership, International trade, Economics, Trade, International trade agreements, Investing, Management, Asia, Entrepreneurship, Global leadership, China trade, Asia business
Phone: (602) 496-7150
Media Relations Officer

Dennis Hoffman

W. P. Carey School of Business, L. William Seidman Research Institute, Department of Economics
Expert in: Economics, Employment, Business, Macroeconomics, Economic forecasting, Economic impact
Phone: (480) 965-5362
Media Relations Officer
Elena Bras / ebras1@asu.edu

Lee McPheters

W. P. Carey School of Business, Department of Economics
Expert in: Economics, Economic forecasting, Economic impact, Employment
Phone: (480) 965-5462
Media Relations Officer
Elena Bras / ebras1@asu.edu

Michael Hanemann

School of Sustainability, Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability, W. P. Carey School of Business
Expert in: Economics, Sustainability, Clean water, Water, Water rights, Finance
Phone: (480) 965-1053
Media Relations Officer
Skip Derra / skip.derra@asu.edu

David Hawkes

Department of English
Expert in: Literature, European history, Contracts, Economics, Religion, Political history, Philosophy, Shakespeare, Renaissance studies
Media Relations Officer
Kristen LaRue / Kristen.LaRue@asu.edu