Scroll through our list of cognitive network experts at Arizona State University. Click on the experts' names to learn more about their background, recent media articles and how to get in contact with them.

Displaying 1 - 3 of 3

Yi-Yuan Tang

Expert in: Neuroscience, Behavioral neuroscience, Neuroimaging, Cognitive networks, Prevention and intervention science

Media Relations Officer
Gaby Kemp /

Simon Holzapfel

Simon Holzapfel

Expert in: Autism, Stroke, Cognitive networks, Physiology, Rehabilitation, Dementia, Exercise, Down Syndrome, Cycling

Media Relations Officer
Gaby Kemp /

Dragan Boscovic

Dragan Boscovic

Expert in: Machine learning, Data security, Networks, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Cognitive networks, System architecture, Wireless networking, Mobile technology, Smart Grid, Coronavirus, NFT, Engineering

Media Relations Officer
Gary Werner /