Political history
Scroll through our list of African-American history experts at Arizona State University. Click on the experts' names to learn more about their background, recent media articles and how to get in contact with them.

Calvin Schermerhorn
School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions
Expert in: African American history, U.S. history, Political history

Neal Lester
Expert in: African American history, Literature, Race relations, Literacy, Cultural diversity, Gender-inclusive language, Social justice, Civil rights, Community service, Cultural engagement, Hair, The 'n-word'

Joe Lockard
Expert in: Literature, African American history, Human rights, Cultural diversity, U.S. history, Literacy, Race relations, Religion, Refugees, Writing, Prison, Censorship, Slavery

Keith Miller
Expert in: Race relations, Civil rights, African American history, Political history, Religion in politics, Social justice