African American history

Scroll through our list of African-American history experts at Arizona State University. Click on the experts' names to learn more about their background, recent media articles and how to get in contact with them.

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4
Joe Lockard

Joe Lockard

Expert in: Literature, African American history, Human rights, Cultural diversity, U.S. history, Literacy, Race relations, Religion, Refugees, Writing, Prison, Censorship, Slavery

Media Relations Officer
Kristen LaRue /

Neal Lester

Neal Lester

Expert in: African American history, Literature, Race relations, Literacy, Cultural diversity, Gender-inclusive language, Social justice, Civil rights, Community service, Cultural engagement, Hair, The 'n-word'

Media Relations Officer
Media Relations /

Keith Miller

Keith Miller

Expert in: Race relations, Civil rights, African American history, Political history, Religion in politics, Social justice

Media Relations Officer
Kristen LaRue /